πŸ‰ In JS, is an empty Array return false or true?

May 15, 2018 β€’ β˜•οΈ 2 min read

πŸ˜ƒ General

When I was coding, there was a situation that if an array has values, it will return true. So I wrote like this bool = !!array. But, unexpectedly when array = [], bool is false, not true.

πŸ€” Why?

  • First, I thought if empty string or empty Array is conversed to Boolean, it must return false.
  • But it is not.
// Conversion
> Boolean("")
> Boolean([])
// Implied Conversion
> !!""
> !![]
  • In Conversion, the result is like this, so I thought '' is false, [] is true.
// Loose Equality
> "" == false
> [] == false
  • But here in Loose Equality, the result is '' is false(of course), [] is false too.
  • I found a doc about this. Equality comparisons and sameness
  • In Loose Equality, [] is Object, and false is Boolean. So in the table, it is applied that ToPrimitive([]) == ToNumber(false) and recursively ToNumber("") === 0. Eventually, it returns true.
  • I certainly realized when I saw this table. plz memorize it.

toBoolean Table

Argument Type Result
undefined false
null false
boolean same as input
number +0, -0, NaN -> false, otherwise -> true
string empty string -> false, otherwise -> true
object true

πŸ€– Conclusion

  • Because Array is type of object, the fact that an empty Array is conversed to true is correct.
  • But in Loose Equality, [] == false is right.
  • So, above bool = !!array code can be changed bool = array == false.
  • Or, you can make function that checks array === undefined or array.length === 0. πŸ₯

πŸ“– reference

Jon Jee

Personal blog by Jon Jee.
I hope to explain with words and code.